Friday, August 13, 2010

AIPGE 2005 Dental 2

11. Ectodermal dysplasia is -

1. Autosomal recessive.
2. Autosomal dominant.
3. X-linked dominant.
4. X-linked recessive.

12. The normal depth of the gingival crevice in an adult does not exceed -

1. 0.5 – 1 mm.
2. 1 – 2 mm.
3. 1 – 3 mm.
4. 2 – 3 mm.

13. The characteristic lesion of acute necrotizing gingivitis is the necrosis of the gingival mainly of the -

1. Interdental papilla.
2. Marginal gingiva.
3. Attached gingiva.
4. Free gingiva.

14. Cavity formation in a tooth, due to dental caves is due to -

1. Destructive potential of streptococcus mutans.
2. Destructive potential of lactobacillus acidophilus.
3. Lateral spread of cavies along DE junction and weakening of the overlying enamel.
4. Mastectomy force and unrelated to the extent of carious process.

15. Enamel hypoplasia is not a feature of –

1. Osteopetrosis.
2. Downs syndrome.
3. Some types of epidermolysis bullosa.
4. Cleidocranial.

16. Café an lait Spots are seen in -

1. Pagets disease of bone.
2. Cherubism.
3. Von Recklinghausen disease.

17. The drug of choice in management of a patient with an acute allergic reaction involving bronchospasm and hypotension is -

1. Epinephine.
2. Aminophyline.
3. Dexamethasone.
4. Diphenhydramine.

18. The agent of choice to reverse status epilepticus induced by local anesthetic overdose is -

1. Oxygen.
2. Diazepam.
3. Epinephrine.
4. Phenobarbital.

19. A person with glaucoma should not receive -

1. Sedatives.
2. Vasoconstrictors.
3. Antisialogogues.
4. Local anesthetic.

20. Prolonged administration of streptomycin may result in damage to the -

1. Optic nerve.
2. Facial nerve.
3. Auditory nerve.
4. Trigeminal nerve.

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